Ernährung Blog


Would you like to learn everything about healthy eating? Healthy eating is particularly one thing: diverse and varied! We will show you which foods should not be missing from a balanced diet and how you can best integrate them.


Sport und die ideale Ernährung

Exercise and the Ideal Diet

A healthy and balanced diet is important in all areas of life, but it is especially crucial for active athletes—whether in professional or recreational sports—where the right nutritional composition plays...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Exercise and the Ideal Diet

A healthy and balanced diet is important in all areas of life, but it is especially crucial for active athletes—whether in professional or recreational sports—where the right nutritional composition plays...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Aminosäuren im Hafer - Welche gesundheitlichen Vorteile haben sie?

Amino Acids in Oats – What Are Their Health Ben...

Amino acids are often referred to as the basic building blocks of life. They enable the synthesis of proteins, which in turn make up human cells.In this article, you will...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Amino Acids in Oats – What Are Their Health Ben...

Amino acids are often referred to as the basic building blocks of life. They enable the synthesis of proteins, which in turn make up human cells.In this article, you will...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Was sind Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente?

What Are Minerals and Trace Elements?

Iron and fluorine, sodium and potassium, copper and manganese, and chromium – all familiar names, but do you know exactly what these nutrients are and why they are important? Here...

Alexandra Wiesinger

What Are Minerals and Trace Elements?

Iron and fluorine, sodium and potassium, copper and manganese, and chromium – all familiar names, but do you know exactly what these nutrients are and why they are important? Here...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Planetary Health Diet

Planetary Health Diet – Protect the Environment...

Global food production is faced with the challenge of providing the ever-growing population with enough food without putting even greater strain on the environment. The whole thing should succeed with...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Planetary Health Diet – Protect the Environment...

Global food production is faced with the challenge of providing the ever-growing population with enough food without putting even greater strain on the environment. The whole thing should succeed with...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Die Auswirkungen von gesunder Ernährung auf Körper, Geist und Leistungsfähigkeit

Healthy Eating: Impact on Body, Mind, and Perfo...

Healthy eating is trendy and that's a good thing. It strengthens the organism and immune system and promotes performance. Thanks to a continually increasing selection of healthy foods, a healthy...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Healthy Eating: Impact on Body, Mind, and Perfo...

Healthy eating is trendy and that's a good thing. It strengthens the organism and immune system and promotes performance. Thanks to a continually increasing selection of healthy foods, a healthy...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Was ist das richtige Sportfrühstück für mich?

What is the right sports breakfast for me?

Exercise and nutrition are two of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. You should pay particular attention to adapting your diet to your daily sports routine. In this...

Nicolas Dworak

What is the right sports breakfast for me?

Exercise and nutrition are two of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. You should pay particular attention to adapting your diet to your daily sports routine. In this...

Nicolas Dworak
Fehler gesundes Frühstück

Avoid These 4 Mistakes: How to Have a Healthy B...

A healthy breakfast in the morning will lay the foundation for a successful day. After all, breakfast is not considered the most important meal of the day for nothing. What...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Avoid These 4 Mistakes: How to Have a Healthy B...

A healthy breakfast in the morning will lay the foundation for a successful day. After all, breakfast is not considered the most important meal of the day for nothing. What...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Wie würze ich meinen Porridge am besten

What is the best way to season my porridge? Wha...

Porridge has already become a true breakfast classic for many. The variety of porridge creations is now overwhelming. However, spices are often overlooked. In this article, we will tell you...

Nicolas Dworak

What is the best way to season my porridge? Wha...

Porridge has already become a true breakfast classic for many. The variety of porridge creations is now overwhelming. However, spices are often overlooked. In this article, we will tell you...

Nicolas Dworak
Nährwerte in Porridge

The nutritional values contained in porridge.

A look at the nutritional values of porridge quickly reveals this delicious breakfast classic as a true all-rounder. On one hand, oatmeal impresses with all the important macronutrients, while on...

Nadine Palmetshofer

The nutritional values contained in porridge.

A look at the nutritional values of porridge quickly reveals this delicious breakfast classic as a true all-rounder. On one hand, oatmeal impresses with all the important macronutrients, while on...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Gesundes Frühstück mit Cashews

How to Have a Healthy Breakfast with Cashews

The fact that nuts are an important component of a healthy diet is now undisputed. As a snack in the afternoon or evening, they are popular with many people. However,...

Nicolas Dworak

How to Have a Healthy Breakfast with Cashews

The fact that nuts are an important component of a healthy diet is now undisputed. As a snack in the afternoon or evening, they are popular with many people. However,...

Nicolas Dworak
Gesundes Frühstück 5 Tipps

Healthy Breakfast with Few Calories – With Thes...

Daily calorie intake has become very important for many people! Especially at breakfast, it is crucial to manage calorie consumption. In today's blog post, we have 5 tips on how...

Dominik Wendl

Healthy Breakfast with Few Calories – With Thes...

Daily calorie intake has become very important for many people! Especially at breakfast, it is crucial to manage calorie consumption. In today's blog post, we have 5 tips on how...

Dominik Wendl
Mandeln Topping Porridge

4 Tips for a Healthy Breakfast with Almonds

Almonds come in many forms. But what is certain? They always go well with a healthy breakfast. Whether in porridge or muesli, almonds are a must. In this blog post,...

Dominik Wendl

4 Tips for a Healthy Breakfast with Almonds

Almonds come in many forms. But what is certain? They always go well with a healthy breakfast. Whether in porridge or muesli, almonds are a must. In this blog post,...

Dominik Wendl
Heilende Wirkung Cranberry Superfood

Cranberries have this healing effect.

Cranberries have become known as a true superfood in recent years. But why are cranberries so healthy, and what makes them a healthy breakfast all-rounder? How can you incorporate cranberries...

Dominik Wendl

Cranberries have this healing effect.

Cranberries have become known as a true superfood in recent years. But why are cranberries so healthy, and what makes them a healthy breakfast all-rounder? How can you incorporate cranberries...

Dominik Wendl
Overnight Oats sind gesund

That's Why Overnight Oats Are a Healthy Breakfast

Overnight oats have become a top breakfast hit in recent years. Their easy and quick preparation is just one of the reasons why they are so loved. Oats play a...

Dominik Wendl

That's Why Overnight Oats Are a Healthy Breakfast

Overnight oats have become a top breakfast hit in recent years. Their easy and quick preparation is just one of the reasons why they are so loved. Oats play a...

Dominik Wendl
Bircher Müsli Gesund

That's why Bircher muesli is so healthy.

Bircher Müsli is the classic muesli. In recent years, it has become increasingly popular. But how healthy is muesli really according to Maximilian Bircher-Benner? Can it help you lose weight?...

Dominik Wendl

That's why Bircher muesli is so healthy.

Bircher Müsli is the classic muesli. In recent years, it has become increasingly popular. But how healthy is muesli really according to Maximilian Bircher-Benner? Can it help you lose weight?...

Dominik Wendl
Granola – So gesund ist das Knuspermüsli wirklich

Granola – How Healthy is the Crispy Cereal Really?

Granola is known for being a deliciously crispy breakfast made with healthy ingredients such as oatmeal, nuts, and seeds. However, appearances can often be deceiving, and a closer look at...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Granola – How Healthy is the Crispy Cereal Really?

Granola is known for being a deliciously crispy breakfast made with healthy ingredients such as oatmeal, nuts, and seeds. However, appearances can often be deceiving, and a closer look at...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Was sind Overnight Oats?

Prepare Classic Oatmeal Overnight: Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are undoubtedly the perfect breakfast for those who are often in a hurry in the morning. With the porridge coming from the fridge, you don't have to go...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Prepare Classic Oatmeal Overnight: Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are undoubtedly the perfect breakfast for those who are often in a hurry in the morning. With the porridge coming from the fridge, you don't have to go...

Nadine Palmetshofer
5 Tipps, wie du dein Immunsystem natürlich stärken kannst

5 Tips on How to Boost Your Immune System Natur...

Especially in autumn and winter, the increasingly colder temperatures can weaken your immune system. The result is often a sore throat, cold, cough, and much more. To help you get...

Alexandra Wiesinger

5 Tips on How to Boost Your Immune System Natur...

Especially in autumn and winter, the increasingly colder temperatures can weaken your immune system. The result is often a sore throat, cold, cough, and much more. To help you get...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger