In mythology, it is said to have a magical effect, and here too it is considered a new superfood: the berry . It is a pity that it is only available fresh in summer. You could freeze the berries, but how healthy are frozen berries? And do frozen fruits have the same nutrient content as fresh ones? We will answer these questions in this post.
How healthy are berries really?

Whether currants , blueberries or raspberries , cranberries , strawberries or blackberries : they are beautiful to look at, make you want to eat, and they have a slightly sweet taste that gives every dessert its crowning glory. Let's start with the "Queen of Berries": the raspberry grows on shrubs and belongs to the rose family. The shrubs can grow up to two meters high.
Did you know that, contrary to its name and popular belief, the raspberry is not actually one of the berries? This belongs to another type of fruit, namely: The collective fruit. The collective fruit is characterized by an adhesion of individual fruits from the amniotic leaves of a single flower. It includes, for example, strawberries, blackberries and, as already mentioned: raspberries. The berry itself is a closing fruit that can once again be divided into stone fruits, such as cherries or plums. To make it easier to understand, however, we treat the raspberry to the title of a berry.
But now back to our queen: the fruit consists of about 85% water, and is therefore particularly low in calories. However, the low calorie density does not lose its taste: it tastes very sweet. Maybe you've wondered once or twice if you've been served a raspberry plate with relatives, if it wasn't secretly sweetened or at least that this fruit is very sugary. BUT: the raspberry contains hardly any sugar! Hard to believe? It gets even better: It's a real vitamin bomb! It sweetens your healthy breakfast and spices up your porridge or cereal .
The high content of fiber in the fruit stimulates digestion. In addition, the raspberry contains many antioxidants such as provitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C as well as various minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and folic acid. Antioxidants provide the body with protection against "free radicals". These "free radicals" are formed by the body itself during various metabolic processes, but external influences such as UV rays, environmental toxins or cigarette smoke also attack the body. So those who change their diet, which is rich in antioxidants such as vegetables and fruits, benefit from the positive forces of nature.
It has been proven that the antioxidants in the fruits can strengthen the immune system, repair damaged body cells and counteract skin aging. Furthermore, by consuming food with antioxidant, and thus repairing effect, you provide your memory with a true superfood that boosts your memory performance. Not only the "Queen of Berries" shines on her throne with health benefits. Her sisters such as strawberry or blackberry also have a high number of vitamins such as vitamin C, iron and folic acid and are therefore very healthy. Blueberries, in particular, contain many phytochemicals that neutralize a number of carcinogenic substances. A "berry day" alone covers the daily requirement for minerals and vitamins.
Do berries lose their health ingredients when frozen?
The difference between frozen and fresh berries is minimal. Ali Bouzari, a scientist at the University of California, put this to the test. His result: In the analysis of the fiber and minerals as well as the antioxidants, no major differences were found. The cold makes little difference to the vitamin content of the fruit.
If you are in the mood for berries in winter, you can confidently grab frozen food. Or you can freeze local berries yourself in the summer. So you can enjoy healthy local berries frozen all year round . Whether fresh or frozen fruit, it almost doesn't matter from a health point of view.
What should I keep in mind when freezing berries?

All berries have different qualities, but all are very sensitive. They do not tolerate a lot of water and strong pressure. After harvesting, they only last a few days, which is why you should process them quickly. First, you should wash the berries briefly and with little pressure and, for example, remove the green stems from strawberries. Then place the berries individually on a plate at a distance and place them in the freezer for about two hours.
As a result of the pre-freezing, fewer lumps are formed later. You can put the berries in a classic freezer bag after pre-freezing, but you should shake it a little after a few hours so that the berries detach from each other. Frozen berries have a shelf life of about 6 to 8 months.
Are all berries suitable for freezing?
Yes. However, blueberries are better suited than strawberries, for example, as they retain their crisp consistency even after thawing.
How can I prepare berries?
The special thing about berries is not only their high content of vitamins and their health-promoting effect: berries can be combined with many meals, so that you will never get bored. It is best to mix them into your breakfast in the morning so that your body gets a real superfood at the beginning of the day, which makes you fit for the day.

Smoothie bowl with berries
- 1 frozen banana
- 200 g berries
- 150 ml plant-based drink
- 1 tbsp flaxseed
- 2 tbsp oatmeal
Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them well until a creamy consistency is formed.
Then place the smoothie in a bowl.
You can refine the smoothie bowl with toppings of your choice.
Whether you prefer a crispy cereal, a gluten-free breakfast, oatmeal or the classic porridge at breakfast, many of our Verival products can be combined perfectly with the healthy fruits and taste particularly delicious! How to turn your morning meal into a healthy breakfast with little effort ! More of a sweet tooth? No problem! Due to its very sweet taste, no honey is needed.
Have you ever tried English porridge with warm strawberries or cranberries as a topping? The fruit sauce that comes from heating the fruit (or thawing it) will make you forget about any honey or syrup!