For a rich protein breakfast, athletes best rely on protein-rich foods such as oatmeal , eggs, or low-fat quark. These foods provide important amino acids and thus form the basic building blocks for building your muscles .
In addition, foods that are high in protein stimulate the metabolism and help you feel full for a long time. This reduces cravings. You can find out in the article what additional benefits a protein-rich breakfast has for athletes and what you should consider.
Fruits and vegetables should also be part of a very protein-rich diet.
These important base suppliers help balance acids that are formed during the metabolism of proteins.
High-protein low-carb breakfast – these foods go well with it:
(although it also contains relatively many carbohydrates – but good and complex carbs and a lot of protein)
Soy products
Dairy products – especially low-fat quark, milk, yogurt
Cheese/cottage cheese
- Vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers
Why does breakfast protein make sense for athletes?
A high-protein breakfast helps the body to kickstart the metabolism. High protein consumption also stimulates the feeling of satiety in the brain. You feel full longer and earlier and consume fewer calories throughout the day.
After the intake of proteins, hardly any insulin is released in the body. This helps keep blood sugar levels relatively constant.
A high-protein sports diet ensures the supply of important amino acids. Because with a high level of physical exertion, the body can no longer produce certain amino acids itself to a sufficient extent. Supplementing with protein-rich foods is therefore quite sensible for athletes – indeed, it is indispensable.
What is the best protein breakfast for building muscle?
A high-protein breakfast is ideal for building muscle. Muscles consist of proteins, and to build new muscle mass, the body requires sufficient building material in the form of proteins.
Oatmeal is a good source of protein and contains 13.5g of plant-based protein per 100g of flakes. However, the biological value of oats is slightly lower than that of other cereals. Therefore, oats should always be combined with other protein sources. This is the only way for the protein to be optimally absorbed by the body.
Porridge , warm oatmeal made with milk, or a cereal with nuts , seeds, and legumes are thus ideal for building muscle. They supply the muscles with proteins and amino acids.

What is the best breakfast for weight loss?
A healthy breakfast not only makes you happier, but also helps your body lose weight. When breakfast is filling for a long time and provides the body with enough energy and nutrients for the whole day, you avoid excess and empty calories.
If, on the other hand, breakfast is very low in calories, this can lead to cravings later.
A smoothie or a shake can be a solution for a breakfast aimed at weight loss. They satisfy hunger and quickly provide the body with good energy as a liquid meal.
Do you already know your personal calorie needs? With our calorie calculator , you can easily calculate it online and facilitate your weight loss journey.
Protein porridge – the perfect athlete breakfast
A porridge is very versatile and can become the perfect athlete's breakfast as a protein-rich meal.
With lean quark, cottage cheese, or milk instead of water, the porridge can be wonderfully enriched with additional proteins. Or how about, for example, protein granola bars ?

Protein Cereal Bar Almond Fig
- 180 g Verival Grain Free Sport Protein Muesli Almond Fig
- 120 g low-fat quark
- 3 tbsp flaxseed crushed, as an egg substitute
- 50 ml hot water
- 15 g almonds
- 30 g dried apricots
- 3 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Preheat the oven to 170°C with circulating air.
Line a rectangular baking pan (approx. 32cm x 24cm) with baking paper.
Prepare the egg substitute: Mix the flax seeds with 50 ml of hot water and leave to swell for 5 minutes.
Coarsely chop the almonds and apricots.
Mix the protein muesli and the low-fat quark.
Then add all the remaining ingredients and mix everything together well.
Pour the dough into the prepared baking pan and smooth it out.
Then bake in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
Cut the dough into 15 pieces while still hot and allow to cool.
Bananas contain 1 gram of protein per 100 grams and fill you up quickly thanks to their fiber content.
Overnight oats with chia seeds or nuts, homemade protein bars made from oatmeal, and oatmeal prepared in a completely different way as a vegan protein can also be part of the meal or training plan.
To make an athlete's porridge even more efficient, you can also add whey protein . Whey protein is the protein derived from whey.
When should I eat the protein breakfast: before or after a workout?
After exercise, you should always eat something. Whether you want or need to eat something before exercising always depends on your individual, physical, and health conditions.
If you eat before training, it is best to consume only small snacks that the body can digest well, such as carrot cake muesli bites.

Fast, Sugar-Free Carrot Cake Bites with Bircher Muesli
- 150 g carrots
- 150 g Verival Bircher Urkorn Muesli
- 150 g walnuts
- 100 g pitted dates
- 1 tbsp cinnamon best Ceylon
To decorate
- 16 half walnuts
Peel the carrots and roughly cut them into pieces. Pour into a blender along with the pitted dates and mix until finely chopped.
Add the Verival Bircher Urkorn Muesli and the cinnamon. Blend until everything combines well.
Place the mixture in a mixing bowl.
Finely chop the walnuts and mix them into the dough using your hands.
If the dough is too crumbly, add a little more water. If it is too sticky, add some more muesli.
Place the mixture on a sheet of baking paper or parchment and press it into a square (approx. 14x14cm).
Top with 16 walnut halves to mark the squares and press lightly with your finger.
Wrap in the paper and refrigerate for at least one hour.
After cooling, take it out and cut it into 16 small squares.
Benefits of a pre-exercise protein breakfast
body is supplied with energy for sports through the
protein breakfast
muscle building is supported
- the muscles are protected
The basic recommendation is always: at least 20 to 30 minutes between the workout and the last snack.
Fast, healthy protein breakfast for athletes from VERIVAL
The products from our Sport Range provide the body with the full power of plant proteins and essential amino acids. Only vegan and lactose-free protein sources are used.
At VERIVAL, we rely on 100% plant-based protein power and recommend, for example, our VERIVAL Green Protein Waffles for a quick breakfast snack before or after exercise.
They are high in protein and contain 46% legumes. Or how about the VERIVAL Grain Free Sport Protein Muesli Almond Fig with plant proteins derived from seeds and nuts?