For an energetic start to the day, today there is a new delicious recipe from Lisa from the blog Koch mit Herz . Your sweet low-carb breakfast pizza is not only rich in fiber, vitamins, and proteins, but also gluten and sugar-free. The perfect power breakfast for an eventful weekend or, prepared the day before, for a stressful working day as a snack .
Have fun cooking!

Recipe: Sweet low-carb breakfast pizza
Sweet low-carb breakfast pizza with
Verival strawberry chia porridge,
Verival seed mix, and Verival Sport cereal.
- 30g Verival Strawberry Chia Porridge (or shredded oatmeal)
- 30g Verival seed mix (optional: 20g flax seeds + 10g chia seeds)
- 30 g coconut oil or butter (liquid)
- 2 eggs (optional: 3-4 tbsp chia pudding)
- 1 tsp psyllium husks (ground)
- 200 g Greek yogurt (optional: 100 g potatoes + 100 g natural yogurt)
- 200 g berries of your choice
- 30 g Verival Sport Muesli (optional: homemade low carb crispy muesli)
Preheat the oven to 250°C and place the pizza stone in it right at the beginning to preheat it as well. Melt the fat in the oven.
Put the strawberry chia porridge and seed mix in a bowl and pour the liquid fat over it. Mix well and leave for 2-3 minutes.
In the next step, add the eggs and stir vigorously until everything is well mixed. Finally, fold in the psyllium husks.
Place a layer of parchment paper on a pizza lifter and grease it. Pour the dough on it and spread it as thinly as possible in the shape of your pizza stone (for me, this is round). Now lift the dough onto the hot pizza stone with the pizza lifter and bake the pizza base for about 15 minutes at 230°C under heat until golden brown and crispy.
Then let the dough cool completely. Meanwhile, you can wash the berries of your choice and cut them into pieces. Once the dough is cold, spread the yogurt evenly over it and finally garnish with berries and cereal.
Learn more about the positive effects of chia seeds .