Ernährung Blog


Would you like to learn everything about healthy eating? Healthy eating is particularly one thing: diverse and varied! We will show you which foods should not be missing from a balanced diet and how you can best integrate them.


LDL Cholesterin

LDL cholesterol – what does the value mean?

This comprehensive article about LDL cholesterol highlights the importance of this lipoprotein for heart health. The article covers everything from the definition and function to diagnostic methods and preventive measures....

Dominik Wendl

LDL cholesterol – what does the value mean?

This comprehensive article about LDL cholesterol highlights the importance of this lipoprotein for heart health. The article covers everything from the definition and function to diagnostic methods and preventive measures....

Dominik Wendl
HDL Cholesterin

HDL cholesterol – what does the value mean?

HDL cholesterol, known as “good” cholesterol, plays a central role in fat metabolism and affects the risk of cardiovascular disease. High HDL levels have a protective effect, while lifestyle, genetic...

Dominik Wendl

HDL cholesterol – what does the value mean?

HDL cholesterol, known as “good” cholesterol, plays a central role in fat metabolism and affects the risk of cardiovascular disease. High HDL levels have a protective effect, while lifestyle, genetic...

Dominik Wendl
Enthalten Bananen viele Kalorien?

Do bananas contain many calories?

The banana, one of the most popular types of fruit, is a real treasure trove of nutrients and plays an important role in a balanced diet. Of course, it also...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Do bananas contain many calories?

The banana, one of the most popular types of fruit, is a real treasure trove of nutrients and plays an important role in a balanced diet. Of course, it also...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Kohlenhydrate in Bananen – ein detaillierter Einblick in diesen wichtigen Nährwert

Carbohydrates in bananas – a detailed insight i...

When it comes to healthy snacks, bananas are definitely at the top of the list. But have you ever wondered how many carbohydrates are in a banana? Find out more...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Carbohydrates in bananas – a detailed insight i...

When it comes to healthy snacks, bananas are definitely at the top of the list. But have you ever wondered how many carbohydrates are in a banana? Find out more...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Cholesterin Wert

Cholesterol – a definition and cholesterol levels

Often misunderstood and yet essential for our body, cholesterol plays a key role in our cell functions and hormone production. In this article, we dive deep into the world of...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Cholesterol – a definition and cholesterol levels

Often misunderstood and yet essential for our body, cholesterol plays a key role in our cell functions and hormone production. In this article, we dive deep into the world of...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Was ist gesünder, eine Banane oder ein Apfel?

Which is healthier, a banana or an apple?

You will receive detailed information about these types of fruit and we will discuss how you can use them to fulfill your daily nutritional needs and improve your overall well-being.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Which is healthier, a banana or an apple?

You will receive detailed information about these types of fruit and we will discuss how you can use them to fulfill your daily nutritional needs and improve your overall well-being.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Sind Bananen gut für den Darm?

Le banane fanno bene all'intestino?

Bananas are not only delicious, they also have a great influence on the digestive system – so they are very important for your health. Find out what benefits bananas have...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Le banane fanno bene all'intestino?

Bananas are not only delicious, they also have a great influence on the digestive system – so they are very important for your health. Find out what benefits bananas have...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Die Banane - eine sehr beliebte Frucht

The banana – a very popular fruit

The banana, a globally popular fruit, has secured a firm place in the hearts and kitchens of many cultures thanks to its unique taste and wide range of uses. Read...

Alexandra Wiesinger

The banana – a very popular fruit

The banana, a globally popular fruit, has secured a firm place in the hearts and kitchens of many cultures thanks to its unique taste and wide range of uses. Read...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Warum ist die Banane krumm?

Why are bananas bent?

The characteristic curvature of bananas is caused by their striving towards the light during the growth process. They grow in the opposite direction of their downward-facing fruit stand. We will...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Why are bananas bent?

The characteristic curvature of bananas is caused by their striving towards the light during the growth process. They grow in the opposite direction of their downward-facing fruit stand. We will...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Äpfel: 9 Fakten, die du nicht gewusst hast!

Apples: 9 facts you didn't know!

Apples: More than just a fruit. Their relationship with roses, symbolism in the Old Testament, variety of types up to the Day of the Apple on November 10. From health...

Dominik Wendl

Apples: 9 facts you didn't know!

Apples: More than just a fruit. Their relationship with roses, symbolism in the Old Testament, variety of types up to the Day of the Apple on November 10. From health...

Dominik Wendl

The apple and the origin of the different varie...

Apples, from random seedlings to commercial apple varieties, offer a fascinating history. They range from sweet to sour, with regional differences in Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. The health...

Dominik Wendl

The apple and the origin of the different varie...

Apples, from random seedlings to commercial apple varieties, offer a fascinating history. They range from sweet to sour, with regional differences in Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. The health...

Dominik Wendl

How much fiber does an apple contain?

Apples are high-fiber fruits, with an average of 4.4 grams of fiber per piece. Their peel contains the majority of these healthy fibers. Dietary fiber promotes digestion, regulates blood sugar...

Dominik Wendl

How much fiber does an apple contain?

Apples are high-fiber fruits, with an average of 4.4 grams of fiber per piece. Their peel contains the majority of these healthy fibers. Dietary fiber promotes digestion, regulates blood sugar...

Dominik Wendl
Nährstoffe von Äpfeln

Apfel – Vitamine, Kalorien und Nährwerte

The apple, often celebrated as the most popular fruit in Germany and worldwide, is not only a symbol of health, but also a true powerhouse of nutrients. The well-known saying...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Apfel – Vitamine, Kalorien und Nährwerte

The apple, often celebrated as the most popular fruit in Germany and worldwide, is not only a symbol of health, but also a true powerhouse of nutrients. The well-known saying...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Haferkleie und ihre Nährwerte

Haferkleie und ihre Nährwerte

Haferkleie gilt als besonders gesund und wird deswegen auch oft als regionales Superfood bezeichnet. Welche wertvollen Nährstoffe Haferkleie hat, wie beispielsweise die Kalorienanzahl, den Einweißgehalt und mehr, erfährst du in...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Haferkleie und ihre Nährwerte

Haferkleie gilt als besonders gesund und wird deswegen auch oft als regionales Superfood bezeichnet. Welche wertvollen Nährstoffe Haferkleie hat, wie beispielsweise die Kalorienanzahl, den Einweißgehalt und mehr, erfährst du in...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Wie viel Haferkleie pro Tag werden empfohlen?

Haferkleie und Kohlenhydrate

Haferkleie ist bereits lange bekannt für seine gesunden Eigenschaften. Unteranderem enthält Haferkleie viele Ballaststoffe, hält dich lange satt und liefert dir komplexe Kohlenhydrate. Mehr über die Kohlenhydrate in Haferkleie findest...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Haferkleie und Kohlenhydrate

Haferkleie ist bereits lange bekannt für seine gesunden Eigenschaften. Unteranderem enthält Haferkleie viele Ballaststoffe, hält dich lange satt und liefert dir komplexe Kohlenhydrate. Mehr über die Kohlenhydrate in Haferkleie findest...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Kakao Herkunft

Kakao Herkunft: Wo kommt die leckere Bohne her?

Kakao, als „Speise der Götter“ verehrt, hat eine faszinierende Reise. Von den Regenwäldern Amerikas bis zu den Schokoladenfabriken weltweit. Der Anbau erfordert Sorgfalt und Können. Doch die Schokolade, Ergebnis dieser...

Dominik Wendl

Kakao Herkunft: Wo kommt die leckere Bohne her?

Kakao, als „Speise der Götter“ verehrt, hat eine faszinierende Reise. Von den Regenwäldern Amerikas bis zu den Schokoladenfabriken weltweit. Der Anbau erfordert Sorgfalt und Können. Doch die Schokolade, Ergebnis dieser...

Dominik Wendl
Geschichte des Kakao

Die Geschichte des Kakao

Die faszinierende Geschichte des Kakao erstreckt sich von den antiken Zivilisationen Mittelamerikas bis in die modernen Schokoladenfabriken weltweit. Ursprünglich als göttliches Geschenk verehrt, fand Kakao seinen Weg nach Europa und...

Dominik Wendl

Die Geschichte des Kakao

Die faszinierende Geschichte des Kakao erstreckt sich von den antiken Zivilisationen Mittelamerikas bis in die modernen Schokoladenfabriken weltweit. Ursprünglich als göttliches Geschenk verehrt, fand Kakao seinen Weg nach Europa und...

Dominik Wendl

Apfel – alles Wissenswerte über das Lieblingsobst

Der Apfel – ob frisch vom Baum gepflückt, als Teil eines wärmenden Porridges oder als beliebter Apfelkuchen – ist ein wahrer Star unter den Früchten. Er zählt nicht nur wegen...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Apfel – alles Wissenswerte über das Lieblingsobst

Der Apfel – ob frisch vom Baum gepflückt, als Teil eines wärmenden Porridges oder als beliebter Apfelkuchen – ist ein wahrer Star unter den Früchten. Er zählt nicht nur wegen...

Nadine Palmetshofer