Flaxseed is currently very popular with many people. Thus, the seed of flax is universally used – whether in healthy breakfasts or other dishes, it is added everywhere. Flax seeds are now being traded as a regional superfood – due to the nutritional hype of recent years, flax is increasingly being sold and used . Many benefit from this – including the environment, because linseed, as mentioned, is usually produced regionally in contrast to chia seeds . Thus, if you buy regional and organic, you can do without long transport routes.
But what makes flaxseed a superfood and how healthy are they really? We'll get to the bottom of these questions and more in today's blog post and answer them for you. To do this, we will give you a few tips on how to incorporate flaxseed into your breakfast.
Superfood flaxseeds – that's why they're so healthy
There is a lot in the small seed. This is how they show their healthy properties in a variety of ways:
Flaxseed supports digestion
Flaxseeds have been grown as a crop since the Stone Age and are still appreciated today, especially for their indigestible components, which help digestion. They swell in conjunction with water and ensure that the food in the intestine does not take too long a break – so that toxins are also removed from the body faster. Wheat bran also has a similar effect.
When taking flaxseed , it is extremely important that you drink enough fluids . At least 1.5 liters per day, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. In extreme cases, it can even happen that the seeds stick to the intestine. But if you drink enough, you shouldn't have any problems with it. The effect of the flaxseed does not usually take effect immediately. It takes 2-3 days for the small digestive aids to make themselves felt.
This is how well flaxseed works on our body
The seeds unfold their effect mainly in the shell. There are a number of mucilages, which are composed, among other things, of the sugars xylose, galactose, and galacturonic acid. In addition, the seeds contain a lot of fiber, protein, and fatty oil. Flaxseed oil is one of those plant foods that are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
The swelling agents in the flaxseeds are also excellent for detoxing. They bind toxins and help break them down. The unsaturated fatty acids – just under 30% (in percentage terms more than fish) – are anti-inflammatory, have a protective effect on the heart and circulation, and support the body's own defense cells. Furthermore, flaxseeds are full of healthy vitamins, such as B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E. The lignans contained in the seeds also protect the hormone balance and can even have an anti-cancer effect.

Can flaxseed help with weight loss?
Flaxseed can certainly help to get rid of one or two unwanted kilos. Due to the fiber contained in it and its swelling in the stomach , volume is generated that has a very satiating effect. However, the blood sugar level is not subject to large fluctuations due to the consumption of flaxseed – and this prevents cravings. The many proteins and unsaturated fatty acids also stimulate muscle building. The more muscle you build, the higher your body's basal metabolic rate – so you automatically burn more calories .
Preparation and ingestion of flaxseed – what do I need to keep in mind?
There are many myths surrounding the right dosage and intake of flaxseed. However, if you pay attention to a few points, you can't go wrong:
Dosage and side effects of flaxseed
Are there any side effects when consuming flaxseed? It is important to pay attention to the dose when taking flaxseed. You can safely take up to 15 grams 3 times a day. Flaxseeds contain a very small amount of hydrocyanic acid. If you want to be on the safe side, you can pour hot water over the seeds beforehand. This kills all unwanted toxins. When taking flaxseed with medication, you should also be careful and keep a distance of about 3-4 hours.
3 tips for eating flaxseed
There are several ways to take flaxseed. These include, for example: crushed, soaked, swollen, ground, pressed, or also in capsule form. Here are our top 3 recommendations:
- It is best to eat the seeds in crushed form. In this way, they can unfold their effect ideally.
- Immediately after that comes the soaked form of the seeds. Simply leave them in the water bath and wait a little – so they are ready to serve right away.
- Our last tip: linseed oil! Ideal for salad dressing as a substitute for olive oil. Deliciously nutty in taste – but it should not be heated.
Flaxseed for breakfast? A perfect match!
Flaxseeds are very popular with us – especially when it comes to breakfast. For example, crushed seeds are perfect as a protein topping for muesli or porridge . Overnight oats can also be ideally supplemented with the small digestive aids, as can yoghurt. Here you can let your imagination run wild and spice up every imaginable meal . In soaked form, you can bake great bread with it or use the flaxseeds as a vegan egg substitute.
If you have now gotten the taste and are still looking for the perfect topping for your favourite cereal, you will certainly find it in our online shop.